Software Piracy

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In order to investigate your software piracy report, you will need to provide the name and address of the company being reported, what software is being pirated, and how you know the software is pirated. All information provided to us will be kept confidential.

    Compliance Q & As

    To dispel misconceptions about software licence compliancy, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions we receive on the subject:

    When I bought my PC it already had the (Autodesk) software loaded on it. Is that legal?

    If your hardware provider purchased an operating system for you, loaded, authorised and registered it to you – it’s legal. However, if your hardware provider’s software was loaded on to your machine – it’s illegal.

    Autodesk software is very specialised and it is unlikely that you would have asked your hardware supplier to purchase and load it onto your PC.

    Be suspicious if you get a new PC with Autodesk software on it. There’s a good chance that it’s illegal.

    How do I know whether the software on my PC is legal?

    There are several ways to verify the authenticity of your software.

    Check to whom your software is registered. Press Help > About 3ds Max (or the name of your software). You will immediately see to whom the software is licensed and the product ID number.

    However, if the serial number is 112-11 11 11 11, 123-45678900 or 000-00000000, it is illegal.

    The foolproof way of checking the authenticity of your software is to call Touchvision on (011) 886-8572 and check your serial number against those listed in Touchvision’s database.

    How do I ensure that I’m buying my Autodesk software from an accredited Autodesk reseller?

    In South Africa, Autodesk sells its software through a channel of authorised resellers. These resellers display authorised Autodesk reseller logos on signage and documentation. Their names are listed on the Autodesk web site – If you are in doubt about the legitimacy of your reseller contact us on 011 886-8572

    I have been offered second-hand software at a really good price. Why shouldn’t I take it?

    Ownership of Autodesk software isn’t transferable. It can only be used by the person/company to whom it is registered. Someone can’t sell you second-hand software. For example, companies that sell old computers to their staff should remove all software from the machines. According to the regulations, the new owners should purchase and install their own software.


    Nobody is ever going to catch me using illegal software so why shouldn’t I continue using it?

    Many illegal users believe they are doing nothing wrong, but using illegal software is theft. If you believe it’s wrong to steal, then don’t use illegal software. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) and software developers in South Africa are committed to rooting out unlicensed software users. In 2004 alone, Autodesk brought close to 200 illegal users to book and our work is gaining momentum every day.

    We have bought a few legal licences of Autodesk software. Surely it’s not illegal to share them around the office.

    Software over-use is illegal. When you purchase a licence, it is for one specific user only.

    I sometimes work at home. Can I copy my workstation software onto my notebook for use at home?

    Yes, as long as you are the only user. You would have a ‘floating’ licence, which would give you, and only you, access to one of your machines at a time.

    Using illegal software costs me nothing. Why shouldn’t I carry on using it?

    Predominantly because using illegal software is theft. If you believe that theft is wrong then don’t use illegal software Also the costs of using unauthorised software are greater than you imagine.

    Firstly, you don’t have access to Autodesk support and backup, which seriously hampers your productivity if your system goes down. Secondly, a corrupt file in the software you loaded on your machine/machines puts the integrity of your data at serious risk. The legal costs and bad publicity you’ll incur when you are caught outweigh the initial cost of the software.

    On the other hand, legal users who audit and monitor their software, have 24/7 access to Autodesk technical support, ensuring that productivity is never impeded.

    I have looked on the Internet and want to buy my software from an e-store based in the USA. Can I do this?

    Autodesk software is licensed for specific regions. It is illegal to use software purchased in another region. Therefore software that is going to be used in Africa must be purchased from an African authorised Autodesk reseller. This is why e-stores will not allow users outside of the USA to purchase the software.

    In cases where a company is transferring an office to another region, ‘country transfer’ licences can be purchased, legalising your licence in the country of transfer.

    Is your software legal ??

    Help us combat software piracy by reporting an illegal Autodesk product user.
    All information is treated with anonymity.